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Some Recent Publications

July 2012: Dr Caroline Watt & Prof Richard Wiseman publish a paper in PLoS ONE testing Neuro-Linguistic Programming claims of link between eye-movements and truth-telling. (Link to article here.)

September 2011: Dr Caroline Watt and Dr Dean Mobbs publish a paper on the psychology and neuroscience of near-death experiences, in Trends in Cognitive Sciences. (download pdf 200KB)

January 2011: Dr Caroline Watt and Prof Richard Wiseman's mass participation study of remote viewing using 'Twitter' is published in European Journal of Parapsychology. (download pdf 160KB)

July 2010: The Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (July 22-25, Paris) includes papers from PA members Dr Caroline Watt, Dr Ian Tierney, David Smith, and Thomas Rabeyron. For programme and abstracts, click here.

March 2010: PhD student Thomas Rabeyron and Dr Caroline Watt publish in Personality and Individual Differences an article on paranormal experiences, mental health, and psi. (download pdf 171KB)

2009/2010: Dr Peter Lamont publishes two articles critiquing the idea of a 'science of magic': Lamont, P., Henderson, J. M., & Smith, T. (2010). Where science and magic meet: the illusion of a 'science of magic'. Review of General Psychology. Lamont, P. & Henderson, J. M. (2009). More attention and greater awareness in the scientific study of magic. Nature Reviews Neuroscience .

2009: Dr Peter Lamont uses discursive psychology to understand claims of disbelief: Lamont, P., Coelho, C., & McKinlay, A. (2009). Explaining the unexplained: justifying disbelief in the paranormal. Discourse Studies, 11(5), 543-559.

Spring 2008: Dr Claudia Coelho, Dr Ian Tierney and Dr Peter Lamont publish in the European Journal of Parapsychology an article on contacts by distressed individuals to UK parapsychology units (download pdf, 230KB).

February 2008: Dr Caroline Watt's review of 96 student projects conducted at the KPU was published in the Journal of Parapsychology (download pdf, 162KB).

July 2007: Dr Caroline Watt co-authored the 5th edition of An Introduction to Parapsychology. This textbook presents a comprehensive and balanced approach to parapsychology, and is the most frequently adopted text by those presenting academic courses on parapsychology and anomalistic psychology.


Oct 2010: Dr Caroline Watt has taken up the position of Perrott-Warrick Senior Researcher. This will support a three-year programme of research into precognitive dream experiences. If you are interested in your dreams (precognitive or otherwise), and would like to take part in the research, please contact Dr Watt.



Two new courses are being offered. Click for more details:

MSc in History and Theory of Psychology
Introduction to Parapsychology (online distance learning course)


July 2012: NLP & deception study by Prof Richard Wiseman Dr Caroline Watt widely reported (e.g. abc News) and is most-read article on PLoS ONE.

September 2011: Near-Death Experience study by Dr Dean Mobbs and Dr Caroline Watt widely reported (e.g. Discovery News).

March 2010: Former student Kylie Sturgess publishes review of KPU online parapsychology course and interview with Dr Caroline Watt in Skeptical Inquirer.

January 2010: Dr Caroline Watt participates in BBC3 TV series "I believe".

April 2009: Dr Caroline Watt joins a group of experts in an event led by Prof Richard Wiseman and hosted by The Edinburgh International Science Festival. Hauntings explores the science and history of ghosts.

Feb 2009: Dr Caroline Watt comments on the scientific status of parapsychology in this Guardian Online article, posted 5th February.

August 2007: Dr Caroline Watt comments on parapsychology in higher education institutions in this Guardian Online article, posted 10th August.